Eastern CT Beekeepers Assn

This page is provided as a shameless plug for Eastern CT Beekeepers Assn   (ECBA), an organization which has been dear to me since its start over 40 years ago!

Good News!! ECBA now has a web site    www.myecba.org   check it out!!! look for the upcoming bee schools that begin in late January!

Look for the calendar and check out the schedule for 2022. One of the highlights will be a weekend seminar with Randy Oliver on a weekend in late June!

Visit the site for more info. www.myecba.org

Photo Ralph Phil

Eastern Connecticut Beekeepers Association Beginning Beekeeping Classes

Photo Adam Fuller

Classes will be held virtually using Zoom Thursdays beginning in January 2022

January 27, February 3,10,17,24, March 3.  7:00 – 8:15 PM

This six-session series of virtual classes, taught by experienced beekeepers, will focus on the basics of beekeeping, and take you from selecting and preparing the necessary equipment to managing your hive as the season progresses. These classes will help you avoid the pitfalls that often derail a beginner’s first attempt at this fascinating craft!